Hey all, it's been so long since I last updated this blog that Far West Fiber's has moved their SE Public Drop Off Recycling Depot again! It's no longer on SE 17th just S of Holgate (in Portland, OR) across from their scale for weighing scrap metal, etc. (That is still there, btw). It is now back on the east side of the rail road tracks on SE *26th* (NOT 28th in old loc!) just south of Holgate. (Same road that you would take to start finding Hip Chicks Wine, which you may want after you get done;). Address: 4930 SE 26th Portland, OR (approximately SE 26th & Raymond).
The irony is this is probably more confusing to us "older" recyclers who have been with them since their location on SE 28th (not far away;), as it's close to that, and old habits die hard;). But we'll catch on. I haven't actually gotten to see this new location just yet - I've been blessedly swamped with work (whence the delay in updating this blog) the past year. And I've been consuming enough less plastic/materials that I haven't needed to go very often;).
I can't speak to their other locations either, perhaps some of them have moved. So if you want to be sure, just check their website: http://www.farwestfibers.com or call them first.
As far as I know all other info below is correct, but please do alert me if you learn otherwise. (Email jandroidatg maildotcom). I dearly hope to get back to this again, but meanwhile, that's the latest. Hope this finds you all well and reducing your garbage volumes with the City's new garbage pick up schedule. (They've added weekly residential food scrap pickup and reduced garbage to every 2 weeks). I'm sorta jealous, cuz I live in an apartment that doesn't have the food scrap pick up nor a place for compost, sigh. Back at it, hopefully more soon! Cheers - J:^
Where to Take Stuff in Portland Area 01/19/12
Per the good people at Metro (www.metro-region.org) and Far West Fibers, who know what's up!)
You have 2 main recycling options in Portland: a) the cubside/apartment bin system which is somewhat limited, and b) taking things to Far West Fibers (www.farwestfibers.com) and other places yourself (which covers a LOT more than the curbside system).
ALL recycling systems require bottles, tubs and cans to be clean, empty, with no lids attached.
(Lids can be taken separately to Far West public depots below). NO PLASTIC BAGS INCURBSIDE/APARTMENT RECYCLING AT ALL . (Do not drop off bags of bottles or other objects in any recycling system. The bags gum up the works and cause loads to be tossed. Nor leave plastic bags or film or #7PLA corn-based plastics mixed in a load, same problem). Other #7's are okay, just not those NO CORN BASED PLASTICSlabeled PLA or "made from corn". (#7 just means "misc", that is not a 1-6). You can take clean stretchy plastic bags to your local grocery store, or to the Far West Fibers depots below. (Remove the zipper from ziploc bags tho).
In general our Portland Metro curbside/apartment recycling is rather limited due to handling issues. But Far West Fibers takes much more than the curbside system allows - you just have to drop it off at their depots yourself. That's why I've researched and listed the other great outlets for recycling many more items than curbside can take. (Some items in curbside loads will cause whole load to just get dumped in landfill - ouch). So, if in doubt, leave it out of your curbside system, and take it yourself to one of the many facilities listed below (e.g. Far West Fibers, Portland Recycling, Total Reclaim, etc.) I've tried to make it as simple as possible.
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Current Portland 2 bin Curbside/apartment Recycling CAN take:
A) In separate glass bin only:
Only glass bottles and jars: must keep in separate bin from all other recyclables. Empty, clean, no lids. Also, no light bulbs, lamps, etc. Just clean empty unbroken jars and bottles from the kitchen.
(Take fluorescent and high intensity flood light bulbs to Metro hazardous waste recycling centers
listed below).
B) In 2nd co-mingled rollout recycling bins you can combine:
Plastic bottles and tubs (no lids): bottles with a screw neck top, empty (clean) margarine or yogurt type tubs (No’s 1, 2 and 5 only). NO clamshell food containers (#6). AND NO OTHER PLASTICS (e.g. toys, hangers, lids). (See below for where to take those!) All bottles and tubs must be clean, empty, NO LIDS. NO BAGS. You can recycle empty (rinsed) laundry detergent bottles in curbside bin (lid off).
Paper: Newspaper, magazines, and office paper and junk mail. (Envelopes with glassine windows are okay). NO NAPKINS OR TISSUES (this belongs in garbage or better- compost:). No wax paper or wax coated frozen food cartons. Please enclose shredded paper in a paper bag for ease of handling. (This is the only time you may contain something in any bag, and it must be paper). No foil-lined paper. (e.g. metallic gift wrap).Staples okay. No paper clips. No food-contaminated or waxed containers either. (E.g. no frozen food boxes, or paper coffee cups with waxy insides.
Steel and tin cans: (e.g. soup cans) clean, no labels, flatten as able, and tuck clean lids inside
for safety. (I find squishing the top end of the cans with rounded bottoms to help in removing the
label, and saving a little space). Clean aluminum foil also okay. (Don't tuck small aluminum objects inside steel/tin cans tho, thanks - gotta keep non-ferrous separate from ferrous metals:).
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Call Metro at 503-234-3000 or see www.metro-region.org to keep up on latest recycling outlets for MANY other items including STYROFOAM, ELECTRONICS, batteries and hazardous wastes (old paint, cleaners, fluorescent light bulbs).
Far West Fibers (www.farwestfibers.com): takes virtually everything except styrofoam and hazardous wastes, and are one of the cheapest and easiest to get to. (Depot at SE 17th and Holgate). This includes electronics, appliances, and ALL RIGID PLASTICS except styrofoam and now PLA #7 (corn-based plastics). (Other #7's okay). I.e, they can take all the plastic lids, toys, hangers, clean clamshell food containers, other tubs, etc. that the curbside/apartment system does not take (except PLA:). Must be clean and empty still. $2 donation.
Styorfoam: Total Reclaim on NE 60th and Columbia - $5/car or truck load. Must be clean. Can take clean styro meat packaging trays (even colored ones). www.totalreclaim.com
Computers and all pc related items (printers, scanners, mice, keyboards): Free Geekwww.freegeek.org (SE 10th and Mill, just south of Hawthorne). Reasonable fees apply, although technically pc bodies and monitors can now be donated for free per new Oregon eCycles law starting January 1, 2009. (Free Geek could still use your $ donations. Every dollar helps).
Computer bodies, monitors and Televisions only: Up to 7 of these items at a time can now be dropped off for free at most Goodwill donations stations apparently (along with some other recyclers), per our new (2009) Oregon eCycles law. But not their peripherals. That is, no mice, keyboards, printers, cables, etc. Just the computer and laptop bodies and monitors and television sets are covered under this program. (You can drop off the other stuff as a donation, or take to Free Geek, above). A fee charged for more. Some recyclers may still request a donation or fee to defray their continued costs in processing more than 7, or for additional separate items. See www.oregonecycles.org for more on this per the new law in effect January 1, 2009.
Links to additional recycling outlets and info:
www.metro-region.org (see “Find a Recycler” under Garbage and Recycling links on left side)
www.oregonecycles.org for info on the new e-Cycling law in effect 1/1/09 to keep e-waste out of landfills. (So far just covers pc's, monitors and tv's).
www.farwestfibers.com (take all rigid plastics besides styrofoam, plus much more including books, DVD's and crayons. Separate curbside "quality" recycling from all else however for handling reasons.)
www.portlandrecyclingcenters.com (takes same as Far West Fibers, tho still best to take smaller plastic items (e.g. bottle tops/lids) that curbside doesn't currently take to the SE Far West Fibers depot to put in their bin allotted for same, vs the co-mingled baler at the N Portland recycling center where they fall out. And, they're probably going to shut down their NW and Lake Oswego sites soon, when Far West takes them over, and may use them for storage vs drop off. Check website first)
www.enviromom.com (has updates on many ways to reduce, reuse, recycle in Portland)
www.masterrecycler.org (has updates on periodic local Plastics Roundups in Portland area that take all but styro) 2/14/09 - these may be on hold just now due to recession. Check first.
www.totalreclaim.com (takes styrofoam in NE Portland - yay:) $5/load
www.buyworms.com for a good local Portland source of red worms for vermicomposting (you can get them for free in any good compost or manure pile too;).
http://greengarbageproject.adammathiasdesign.com An Oregon couple on a no garbage diet for one year (2009-2010). Updated often, loaded with great reducing tips.
http://freecycle.org ("Craig's List" for recyclers to try to reuse/repurpose stuff first)
http://www.terracycle.net - under construction, but normally upcyclers of some packaging
http://www.recycline.com - the Preserve Products line of fully recycled/recyclable items
Thursday, January 19, 2012
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